Stalinist Cows at Denunziation! exhibition in ACC Gallery, 2021. Photo: Claus Bach

Stalinist Cows | Eat Shit! (2021)

Written & Directed by Martta Tuomaala
Format: 16:9 | loop video
Length: 8 min.

Stalinist Cows is a real-life fairytale about a situation in which one person manages to poison a larger community by making false accusations and using cyberbullying tactics. Through a specific case, the artwork deals with the difficulties that communities, even socially critical ones, have in acknowledging defamatory forms of violence and tackling gendered toxic environments.

More information:

The artwork was created specifically for an exhibition titled Denunziation! at the ACC Gallery in Weimar, and will not  be exhibited in the same format in the future. The show was curated by Frank Motz and the artists of the exhibition were invited to create works that explored defamatory behaviour and examined the various aspects of denunciation.

The invited artists for the exhibition were Tsuyoshi Anzai, Khaled Arfeh, Peter Belyi, Gluklya, Florian Göttke, Arefeh Riahi, Sheida Soleimani, Katerina Stefanidaki, Piotr Szyhalski, Martta Tuomaala & Zafos Xagoraris.

Written, Directed & Produced by Martta Tuomaala
Cinematography & Lighting by Sakari Suuronen
Editing by Martta Tuomaala & Johannes Valkonen
Sound Design & Visual effects by Johannes Valkonen
Voice Over by Martta Tuomaala
Translation Mauri Aarniosuo
Special thanks to Angel Films and Hannu Käki
Funded by ACC Gallery

Stalinist Cows – screenshot of the work

Stalinist Cows – screenshot of the work

Stalinist Cows – screenshot of the work


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THE KILLING OF The Killing of Čáhcerávga (2020)